Productivity Tips

        Lately I have needed to add more structure to the work portion of my day. I generally have around four hours of time each day that I can use for work. I have a few tips to make the limited hours that I have available more productive.        Normally, finding your productive…

Planner Guilt

Planner guilt is very real. When I began to explore the planner community, I didn’t understand what people were talking about when they mentioned having planner guilt. I thought how is that possible. Everything is so beautiful and functional. Now I understand. Over the years I have used, off and on, various planners.  Very little…

Daily Planning

As with many of us, my life can become hectic at the drop of a hat.  I need to plan daily and it’s not because I think my life is super complicated.  It is for the focus, being aware that complications are a real possibility and compensating for it each day. A set list of…