The Campus A5 notebook by Kokuyo is available in various colors. There are also subdued colors like black and gray available at this time. These notebooks are aesthetically pleasing and very handy. The notebook is a standard A5 size. Each page has a header space at the top. There is provision made for a page…
Tag: notebook
Why Two Bullet Journals?
I document in two bullet journals. Lately, I’ve found that I need more space than the weekly layout in my Jibun Techo allows. The Jibun Techo system has an Idea notebook for extra information. The notebook is slim. It fits in the front cover or slips into the back cover of the diary. This book…
My Current Planner Lineup
Your planners are there to help you organize your life. They should bring you joy. Let me show you my joy.
Campus Notebook by Kokuyo – A First Impression
The Campus A5 notebook by Kokuyo is beautiful in the hand. I recently found this notebook in my local bookstore. I was on the hunt for an A5 size notebook that was big enough to add to my travelers notebook without adding bulk. A space suitable for random notes, ideas, brainstorming and writing. This looked…
First Impressions: Zequenz Journal
When I purchased the Zequenz Roll-Up Journal Signature Classic 360° I picked the A6 (Mini) in Red and this notebook will be my personal journal this year. Logging my activities and writing about my days in my bullet journal has been my preferred tracking method for a while now. However, I need a space to…
What’s in My Bullet Journal
My bullet journal setup has refined itself over the years. I have a much better idea of what I need in my bullet journal. The spreads that I utilize to their full potential, but help me keep my life organized. I no longer need a gratitude spread, books to read, movie log and one line…