My planner lineup for 2019 consists of three planners. My A5 Filofax, the Jibun Techo A5 Slim and a bullet journal. The A5 Filofax will be my main planner. It will house all of the information for my home and my 9 to 5 job. I find this planner to be my best option for…
Tag: Filofax
2018 Planner Lineup
The New Year is fast approaching. This is the time when most of us check our systems, projects and goals. It is a common to check on our life progress as well at this point. I have tweaked my system a bit in terms of the way in which I perform certain tasks, but my…
My Current Planner Setup
My planner setup is simple and functional. I have two components which are my A5 Filofax Saffiano and a Rhodia web notebook. Previously, I was a bullet journal and bullet journal only person. I loved being able to keep everything together in a single book. No trying to remember all of my notes and ideas,…
A5 and The Bullet Journal
Have you ever wanted to add a different planner type or style to what you currently use? I have. Being able to personalize the bullet journal to my current needs is, in my opinion, the best thing about it. Planning for me means having a monthly, weekly and daily view. I need all…