Rhodia GoalBook: An Overview and Uses

This summer when I got my first look at the Rhodia Goalbook, I knew I wanted to make it my next bullet journal. This particular notebook has a few of my staple bullet journal spreads already included. I love the feel of Rhodia paper and the way my fountain pens write on this paper. The…

2018 Planner Lineup

The New Year is fast approaching. This is the time when most of us check our systems,  projects and goals. It is a common to check on our life progress as well at this point. I have tweaked my system a bit in terms of the way in which I perform certain tasks,  but my…

When Do I Start?

Have you ever been plagued with a need for optimization?  A way to make your life smoother. When I had this feeling, I procrastinated for a while.  I knew that I wanted to be more organized.  I needed help to achieve this.  There were a number of signals that I needed to organize not just…

On The Go Journal

There are times when I need to make quick notes, jot down a reminder or write a notation for later reference.  Sometimes my planner is handy and this remains my number one choice for writing down anything. But, there are times when it is not handy and also not convenient to have my planner on…

Why I Choose The Bullet Journal

            Chaos. This is the space where I lived.               About three years ago,  I became obsessed with the need to be organized.  I started out with a little calendar that consisted only of the months of the year.  At first,  this was adequate for my needs. I was just beginning in planning and didn’t really…