Productivity Tips

        Lately I have needed to add more structure to the work portion of my day. I generally have around four hours of time each day that I can use for work. I have a few tips to make the limited hours that I have available more productive.        Normally, finding your productive…

Stationery Supplies

I have a few stationary supplies that I use all the time. They are in my bag, on my desk and some are in my pockets. I use them pretty much everyday. The Stabilo Fineliner pens are my favourite go to pen. Not only because they are available in a variety of colours,  but they…

The Decorative Element

My bullet journal is one of my primary daily planners and is housed in a Rhodia goalbook. I love writing things down with pops of colour interspersed throughout my planner. There are different elements that you can use to decorate your planner. One way that you can easily do this is to change your handwriting….

Rhodia GoalBook: An Overview and Uses

This summer when I got my first look at the Rhodia Goalbook, I knew I wanted to make it my next bullet journal. This particular notebook has a few of my staple bullet journal spreads already included. I love the feel of Rhodia paper and the way my fountain pens write on this paper. The…

2018 Planner Lineup

The New Year is fast approaching. This is the time when most of us check our systems,  projects and goals. It is a common to check on our life progress as well at this point. I have tweaked my system a bit in terms of the way in which I perform certain tasks,  but my…

Resolution Anxiety

This is the time of year when we think about resolutions. Whether or not you agree with the term resolution,  we all think about what we want to achieve during the coming year. At times we are satisfied with our present course and want to change none of our plans. Or,  you may be like…