2019 Planner Lineup

My planner lineup for 2019 consists of three planners. My A5 Filofax, the Jibun Techo A5 Slim and a bullet journal.        The A5 Filofax will be my main planner. It will house all of the information for my home and my 9 to 5 job. I find this planner to be my best option for…

Personal Update

There has been a distinct lack of posting. I haven’t posted for a very long time. However, I have been writing and taking pictures. Occasionally, I post to my Instragram account, but not even that was being done consistently. I am creating, but not sharing!!        Not sharing is exactly the opposite of why I created…

Why Printables?

Printables are the easiest way to quickly get a planning fix. Printables are fast becoming a staple in my planning. This is a versatile way in which to approach your planning. I mainly utilize printables as a way to try out different page sizes and layouts. There are a variety of different planner items that…

Productivity Tips

        Lately I have needed to add more structure to the work portion of my day. I generally have around four hours of time each day that I can use for work. I have a few tips to make the limited hours that I have available more productive.        Normally, finding your productive…

Stationery Supplies

I have a few stationary supplies that I use all the time. They are in my bag, on my desk and some are in my pockets. I use them pretty much everyday. The Stabilo Fineliner pens are my favourite go to pen. Not only because they are available in a variety of colours,  but they…

Exercise Motivation

Finding the motivation to become a healthier version of yourself can be difficult. Exercise can be seen as daunting for many reasons. There are a few things that we can do to strengthen ourselves against any pitfalls that we may encounter. These are things or items that can be used as confidence boosters or motivational…