Summer is winding down. We still have time to do some of the activities we haven’t gotten to on our bucket list.
I feel like I haven’t spent much time in the sun at all this summer. I want to get out and do some fun summer activities whether it happens alone or with friends.
An activity that I want to do is a nature trail exploration. I love going to the national parks. A short hike to a nice view is always invigorating. An inspiring activity while being relaxing.
Watching movies with friends is always a good time. This usually involves food and drink. This combines socializing along with good entertainment. Exploring different genres is good as well.
Reading is a big activity for me all year round. I love reading. However, there is something about the longer summer days that make me think that I can definitely read three books in seven days with my hectic work schedule. Just in case you’re wondering… no, no it is not possible. I do manage to read more books in the summer than at other times of the year.
The beach is the penultimate summer activity. Has summer really happened if you haven’t gone to the beach. Maybe but my beach interactions have definitely changed. It used to be that I couldn’t go to the beach without swimming for hours. If I wasn’t in the water for at least a few hours, I thought “Really?! What was the point?” Now I’m not about being in the water. I am all about the breeze. Sitting and enjoying the cool sea breeze is a new and relaxing beach activity. Nowadays, swimming depends on not just the weather, but also the water conditions. Yes, that’s correct. Don’t follow my example, but I am one of those people who have gone for a swim during the rain. Don’t do that!! It’s the sand. Sand is my biggest concern. How much sand is being kicked up determines whether or not I’m going into the water. I can’t deal with the sand. I just can’t.
So these are just a few activities for the last days of summer. Yes!! We can still have loads of summer fun. Happy summer days!!