The Kokuyo Campus Diary Free Monthly is an A5 notebook that is the perfect option to curate monthly overviews in a single place.
There are 14 monthly calendars which are consecutive. The months section is followed by 17 lined pages. There is a 2 page spread which has a yearly schedule at the front of the notebook.
Each month covers a 2 page spread, which is both the left and right hand sides of the page when you open the book. There are 6 weeks in each calendar month. There is a lined section of the left margin of the left side of each calendar. There are 32 lines in this section. At the top left hand corner of each month has a square with rounded corners. This can be used for the heading for the month if so desired. The remainder of the calendar is blank except for a box in the upper left corner of each day, which can be used for the date. If you prefer your date elsewhere the box can easily be repurposed to hold an icon that can denote emotion or weather, for example.
These notebooks are very handy for anything that needs to be organized with this overview layout [is this an excellent example of this layout or are there just things that are amenable to this layout? if so, I'd call them out]. I am using this as a dedicated overview planner for work. This is for big events, projects, scheduled tasks and any information that I need to see in this big picture format.
The box for each day is quite spacious. I am able to spread out and input all of the information that I need to keep track of for work.
I enjoy using my Fountain pens with this notebook. I have used a variety of inks excluding shimmer inks and inks that sheen. You can see a bit of ghosting, but there is no bleed through. [can this be rearraged to flow as one?]
This Kokuyo campus Diary Free Monthly has truly brought balance to my work and personal life. [nice! but it means you're really burying the lead here] All of that information is now housed in this monthly. I still use a bullet journal to record and log daily information. However, long term information is in the notes section whether it is within a specific month or the lined pages at the back of the book. My work life no longer overwhelms my personal life. All of long term information is housed in this Diary Free Monthly which has truly brought a wonderful change to my planning system.