Memory Keeping

Memory keeping can mean different things for everyone. Essentially, it is somewhere that holds or records the details of things or events that we want to remember. This is the time of year where more people are doing some form of memory keeping than at any other time.

We are able to keep records of the moments that we want to remember in many different ways. It can be as simple as creating a shared album online. This can be a convenient and simple way to keep and share memories with our loved ones.

A journal or a diary is another way to keep our memories. A document of what occurred along with our feelings and emotional state is another way to have a record of things we want to remember. Your record can be done with photos, drawings, writings or a combination of them all.

Personally, I like a combination of ways to document. Some days, I only want to write. At other times, I want a mix of photos and writing.

Preparing pages ahead of time can be a good way to get started when you begin to document. Washi tape or a splash of color is a good way to prepare your pages in advance. At times, having a page that is not completely blank is the best way to get the creative juices flowing without feeling intimidated by an empty page.

I hope that you are encouraged to start documenting your journey. A few words a day or a photo or two can be a start for simple memory keeping.

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