Why Two Bullet Journals?

I document in two bullet journals. Lately, I’ve found that I need more space than the weekly layout in my Jibun Techo allows.

The Jibun Techo system has an Idea notebook for extra information. The notebook is slim. It fits in the front cover or slips into the back cover of the diary. This book is a space where you can flesh out ideas, go into more detail about tasks and projects or do whatever you want. It’s a blank notebook waiting for your thoughts.

Unfortunately, I just can’t write comfortably in the available size of the Idea notebook. If I don’t like writing in my notebook then I find that I try to remember information rather than writing it down. This is not an option. So, I have a different notebook that I’m using for that output overflow and any details that will just be too much to put in the weekly layout.

This new journal houses only personal information. I like to keep my work and personal information separate. I have an A5 notebook for both areas of my life.

In my bullet journal for work, I log all of my frequently used information. This way I can access any information I need quickly.  This consists mainly of phone numbers and email information for people I often contact. In addition, I have a fairly detailed look at what occurred on each day.

 The most important reason for having this information separate is to decrease the risk of compromise. Since I have two bullet journals and use them in different settings, I don’t need to check if information needs to be concealed in my notebook.

 Separate notebooks takes the guesswork out of what to expect when you open your notebook.

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