My current lineup is working well for me. I have three planners that I work with at the moment. I use a Jibun Techo, an A5 Filofax and an A5 notebook.

My Jibun Techo is my core planner. It is my workhorse, everyday. All of my information that is actively being worked on goes in there. It has multiple systems within the planner that allow you to approach and break down your projects in different ways.
I use the yearly schedule to record my finances. At a glance, I can see my overall spending and saving trends. My habit tracker is in the monthly project section. This section also helps me track writing projects. The monthly and weekly sections have the majority of my information. The monthly houses information in a broad sense whilst the weekly section has more details.
The A5 notebook is used for my work information. The bullet journal method works well for my work. I can house detailed daily notes and information. I draw a monthly calendar in this notebook as well. This monthly serves as a secondary reminder of events and recurring tasks.

Large scale projects, goals and goal planning along with reference materials are in my A5 Filofax binder. For projects, having a place where there is enough space for both my random and detailed thoughts on a project is invaluable.
I don’t have many items when it comes to planners, but I am happy with how this setup works for me. They incorporate structure with the flexibility that I crave for creativity.