2019 Planner Lineup

My planner lineup for 2019 consists of three planners. My A5 Filofax, the Jibun Techo A5 Slim and a bullet journal.

       The A5 Filofax will be my main planner. It will house all of the information for my home and my 9 to 5 job. I find this planner to be my best option for housing all of this information together. It is good for adding in and taking out information in an efficient manner. The wide view of this planner makes it an ideal choice for myself to see and keep personal information for myself and my family. 

        This will be my first time using the Jibun Techo planner. I will not be utilizing the entire system at this time just the planner portion. This planner will house all of the information for this blog. It will have both my content and editorial calendars. Social media information will be kept here as well. This monthly and weekly focused planner is ideal for this function in my opinion.

My January month view for 2019 in my bullet journal.

My dailies will be captured in my bullet journal. The notebook that I am using for this is a Rhodia Webnotebook. I have found the bullet journal method to be the best way to plan and capture my days since I began using the system. So far, the Rhodia notebooks have been my favourite journals of all that I have tried. I keep coming back to Rhodia. 

These three planners together are what I will be using to organize my life and work. These planners will be able to keep me on track because of the different aspects of my life that they highlight. Two of the planners, the Jibun Techo and my bullet journal, will be housed in my traveller’s notebook.

       My traveller’s notebook will always be carried with me. This will ensure quick and easy access to both planners for the majority of the day. Most of my days are spent outside of my home, so this is a convenient way to carry both planners. My A5 Filofax will remain at home, but open on desk. 

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