A5 and The Bullet Journal


Have you ever wanted to add a different planner type or style to what you currently use?  I have.  Being able to personalize the bullet journal to my current needs is,  in my opinion,  the best thing about it.


Planning for me means having a monthly,  weekly and daily view.  I need all three currently.  You can certainly function with a combination of any two or even just one view depending on your needs.


Now,  for the weekly view, I found that having to draw these into my bullet journal each week would take up too much of my time.  The bullet journal, to me, is a buildable and flexible tool. This worked to my advantage, but even drawing these weekly views ahead of time was not working. For me,  one of my biggest motivation obstacles is empty space.  Space that I was supposed to use and just didn’t. I don’t like seeing it. After a while,  my weekly view outlook became a decision between devoting my time to it,  leaving it out altogether or finding another solution.

I tried to make do without the weekly view. Which was a disaster, because the transition from month view to daily view left too many gaps.  People,  ideas and the things  I needed tom accomplish began to fall through the cracks.  I decided to purchase the Inkwell Press Inserts. I chose these inserts because of the paper quality and they came in a size I was already comfortable with using. They were just as advertised.  I loved the feel of the paper and most importantly,  my pen on the paper. Of course, for my lovely inserts, I also bought a Filofax. There are a number of different binder solutions, but this one worked for me, mainly due to ring size and color.


These inserts satisfied my need for a weekly view.  And I didn’t have to draw a thing. They eliminated the need to draw a weekly view in my bullet journal,  but still keep the functionality of this view. That time which was previously spent drawing is now more time that I use to plan. And who doesn’t love more planning time?


Usually we talk about the bullet journal being an all in one system.  It can be this,  but if that doesn’t fit into your lifestyle right now you don’t have to give up the system entirely.  Just adapt it to suit your needs.


For me, I have found that the combination of the A5 and the bullet journal satisfy my needs while I make a cohesive plan for my life.


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